How acting like a kid sometimes keeps me going ~ Creative design inspiration!

I have often found myself in a creative slump, questioning my new designs, wondering if I have veered too far from the norm (is there such thing as too much bunny stuff?) and feeling altogether discouraged. There are many wonderful small businesses out there and many are dedicated to animal activism, how would I ever be able to make it?Amidst so much doubt, many creations got scrapped, many plans were abandoned, and many items barely even made it to the prototype stage.

Tales of Creativity and Play was very inspirational and eye-opening, helping me return to the days of my childhood past and channel them into creating awesome new designs for Friends Not Food. Sometimes you just have to go for it – put your work out there even if you’re not 100% sure it will be well-received. It would do us all some good to let a bit of our childhood selves out!

If you’ve ever wanted to start off on your own business or venture, but have felt dicsouraged, I would highly encourage watching this video!

So to sum it up, we need trust to play, and we need trust to be creative. So, there’s a connection. And there are a series of behaviors that we’ve learnt as kids, and that turn out to be quite useful to us as designers.

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